The Lavender Laundry Detergent Giveaway was GREAT…

Free samples laundry detergentThe lavender laundry detergent giveaway in conjunction to celebrate M. GRACE’s birthday was a success!Laundry Detergent

We gave away over 200 samples and wished we had made more. We are already thinking about our next giveaway, maybe sometime this fall to celebrate the release of the new soap scents.

In addition to a new lower laundry detergent price we also offered a new scent at the Terre Haute Farmers Market – vanilla. Lavender, Vanilla and Unscented laundry detergent is available in a 12 oz glass jar for $9 or in a 20 oz plastic bag refill for $14.

It is all natural and made without any chemicals, borax or oxyclean type products. It dissolves well in cold and warm water and can be used in any type of machine.